1.  We went by ______.

  • ferry
  • furious
  • hostel
  • cold

2.  Do you have ______ milk?

  • a
  • few
  • many
  • any

3.  The beach is too crowded. I would like somewhere with ______ people.

  • more
  • less
  • several
  • fewer

4.  I went to the movies ___ Saturday.

  • on
  • in
  • at
  • to

5.  Do you need ____ to stay out after midnight?

  • permit
  • permission
  • permitted
  • permitting

6.  Our friends had _________ left when we arrived at the party.

  • yet
  • never
  • already
  • far

7.  Tim really makes me _________.

  • laugh
  • laughing
  • to laugh
  • laughed

8.  How long _________ French?

  • do you learn
  • have you started
  • have you been learning
  • did you start

9.  Everyone is really _________ to your visit.

  • looking up
  • looking for
  • looking
  • looking forward

10.  I have breakfast at quarter _________ seven.

  • after
  • later
  • past
  • before

11.  I enjoy cooking a lot. I always use _________ garlic.

  • a lot
  • few
  • a lot of
  • many

12.  I can’t stand running. It’s even worse in _________ bad weather.

  • the
  • ---
  • a
  • so

13.  Our company _________ worker creativity.

  • rewards
  • responses
  • succeeds
  • punishing

14.  _________ you work harder, you won’t pass the exam.

  • If
  • As soon as
  • When
  • Unless

15.  The translation was very difficult so Nella _________ me a hand.

  • had
  • handed
  • gave
  • got

16.  She _________ from university with an Honours degree in Media.

  • left
  • studied
  • got
  • graduated

17.  Jim had to learn the poem _________

  • at heart
  • by heart
  • in heart
  • with heart

18.  They _________ didn’t want us to know about the money.

  • quickly
  • obviously
  • hopefully
  • completely

19.  Our boss doesn’t _________ us smoke in the office.

  • let
  • make
  • allow
  • permit

20.  If I get the promotion, I should get a pay _________.

  • rise
  • raise
  • increase
  • bonus